Britons’ bad bedroom habits revealed – with 1 in 3 pet owners worrying their pets leave body fluids on their pillows

The bedroom experts at undertook a study to reveal the most common bad bedroom habits of UK homeowners. The team surveyed almost 2,400 UK adults who either rent or own their own home.

Initially all respondents were asked to state how they choose to wind down in the evening, revealing that just over one in three don’t get to wind down until they get into bed at night (34%), while almost as many spend the evening glued to technology (33%).

When provided with a list of potential bad bedroom habits, the most common bad habits adopted by UK adults were revealed to be:

·         Eating in bed – 71%

·         Not showering before bed – 66%

·         Letting pets sleep on the pillows – 57%

·         Not changing the bed linen as often as it should be done (weekly) – 48%

·         Spending an extended period of time in bed when not asleep – 10%

Of those who confessed they let their pets sleep on the pillows, more than half are more inclined to let their pet sleep on their partner’s pillow (51%), whereas one in four will share their own pillow with their pet (25%).

When questioned further, 45% stated it’s only ever their pet’s head that is on the pillow.

What’s more, one in three pet owners surveyed confessed they’re worried about their pet leaving some form of bodily fluid on their pillow (33%). A further 18% stated their pet has passed wind while on a pillow, which hasn’t gone on to be changed.

A recent study from the team at Pizuna also found that when people eat in bed, the most common way to deal with any mess made is to simply brush it onto the floor (28% of those who made a mess admitted to this).

Additionally, they also found that almost half of the UK’s single men don’t change their bed sheets for up to four months at a time (45%).

Aureen Chinchpure, Brand Communications Manager at, commented on the findings:

“Your bedroom – especially your bed – should be a haven for you to unwind in at the end of the day, with the aim of getting a good night’s sleep to be well rested for the following day. By having bad bedroom habits, you’re setting yourself up to have a bad night’s sleep and therefore, won’t be able to function at your best the next day.

“Try to avoid eating in bed so you’re not rolling around in crumbs and be sure to have a warm bath or shower before you hop in; not just so your bed sheets are kept as clean as possible and you wake up fresh, but also to further help you wind down for your eight hours.

“Additionally, try to refrain from letting your pets sleep on your pillow so you’re not getting irritated by lingering pet fur, or worse. For those who let pets in the bedroom, consider option for bedding that is cotton and of a high thread count as fur and claws will not get easily embedded, its durable and will be able to withstand frequent washes.”