Half a million eye popping pocket money toys are heading our way. Due to land in the UK on Monday – Pushpoppers are the latest craze from the company that brought us fidget spinners, twerking llamas, unicorn poo and loom bands. H. Grossman Ltd have made a name from second guessing what our kids will latch onto as THE playground craze year after year.

After the year we’ve all had it’s the strangely satisfying Pushpoppers – remember that weird but pleasurable buzz some of us got from popping bubble wrap? It’s all here but you can do it again and again in a calming and comforting fidget toy! Pushpoppers are lines of bubbles that you push and then pop them back from the other side of the toy. Sounds a bit dull but is strangely satisfying and unputdownable. Perfect for stress relief and anxiety in all ages, it’s a massive global craze on social media and this is the first time they have landed in any quantity in the UK.
Interest in the product has been so high that H. Grossman Ltd’s CEO David Mordecai has really pushpopped the boat out and placed orders for half a million of the fidgety faves. He said ‘It’s a really brilliant toy we have all sorts of styles , rainbow, glitter, tie dye and glow in the dark with lots more items coming through the year. The reaction from the retailers has been wild. The first consignment is landing here on Monday and will be in our shops and online by Wednesday.” Supported by big toy retailers like Smyths and Claire’s Accessories the HGL Pushpoppers are all set to make eye popping sales and at less than a fiver each are pocket money priced.
Paul Reader, Marketing Director of Toymaster Buying Group (who support the Independent Toy Retailer) said ‘We are super excited about this new pocket money craze, we’ve not had a really good craze since fidget spinners and our retailers are ready to welcome customers back into our stores when the doors open on 12th April .”