Thermapen Digital Baby Food Thermometer

Thermapen is every weaning parents saviour as it has launched its ‘First Foods Digitsal Thermometer’ which is designed to help you check the temperature of children’s food and milk during weaning. The Thermapen First Foods offers a combination of speed, accuracy and convenience for parents – helping to ensure that your little one’s food is served just right. Thermapen First Foods takes the guesswork out of preparing food for a baby or child and can be used to quickly measure the temperature of warming breast or formula milk, cooling formula milk to the right temperature, first foods such as purees, complete meals, finger foods or baked products.

It has a blunt tip which makes it safe to use around little ones and an easy to read digital display that will display the accurate food temperature within 3 seconds so your little one isn’t left waiting and the case has antimicrobial technology to avoid cross-contamination. The foldaway probe design ensures safety in storage.

Thermapen have created a handy set of guidelines for parents with safe temperatures for every stage of their little explorer’s weaning journey.

0-6 months (Breast milk or formula)  36.5-37.5 C

6 months + First foods (vegetable purees, fruit purees and mashed foods) 21 – 37.5 C

12 months + Established Weaning (Shepherds pies, curries and pasta sauces) 4-46C

Guidlines only.

Available in a classic white colour and fits into a changing bag.