What do we all hate about having indoor cats?
Cat Trays!
Now we can let our furry friends have an inside toilet and not have all the hassle and smell which goes with it.
It automatically removes the waste. No scooping, cleaning or refilling your cats litter box for weeks. Though this is dependent on how many cats use it.
With two young cats, it can be more like 14 days as they do tend to poo a lot more frequently.
The crystals it uses are low-tracking and 99% dust free! Rather than having cat litter across the carpet, they don’t stick to your cats paws.
The trays are disposable so you just throw them away once finished and put the new one on.
There are a few self clean litter trays on the market now but this one has a reasonably price tag and my cats absolutely love it. They are young, just reaching 9 months now so I have had to change the crystals more regularly than a month but the machine does very well at scooping the poo. It also keeps a track at how many times they go.
I currently have a canopy on the tray which can be bought separately and this has reduced usage. Before, as soon as the machine kicked into action and started cleaning itself the cats would rush over to watch. This seemed to inspire them to have another go with it. I think they just wanted to see it working.
You can also buy a plastic tray to go with it which can be refilled with the crystals. This works out cheaper than the disposables in the long run if you have a few cats. Though the disposable ones are so easy to deal with, having a cat tray will never be the same again.

There are quite a few self-cleaning trays hitting the market now. But we feel that this one is the best so fat, for price, quality and ease of use. Plus the cats love it!

Available on Amazon and other good shops.